To download a printable copy of this information please click on the link. The 2020 Federal Government Budget address has been delivered in Canberra overnight. This summary is focussed on the major changes to individual and family personal finances grouped into three main areas – tax planning, superannuation & retirement planning and government benefit planning. Tax Planning
Superannuation & Retirement Planning
Government Benefit Planning
CONCLUDING COMMENTS Whilst the income tax breaks grabbed the attention of the media, there were a multitude of changes in the 2020 Budget that will need to be worked through by singles, couples and families depending on your age and circumstance. If you would like to discuss any of the details contained in the budget and how those details impact your personal situation, please do not hesitate to be in contact.
This document has been prepared as a brief summary of the 2020 Federal Budget as it impacts on personal finances. It is a publication of A Clear Direction Financial Planning. It contains general financial information. Readers should check this information with a professional financial adviser before acting on any of the material contained in this document. |