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Financial Happenings Blog
Wednesday, April 14 2010
The Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia have today launched a new site - Super Guru .  Since 2005 Super Guru was incorporated as part of the ASFA site but has now been expanded and set aside as a stand alone website.  The site has been designed to designed to help people engage with their super more – either by asking questions of their funds, or of the people advising them with their self managed fund.

The initial site contains a range of general information about the superannuation system and then drills down into more specific areas such as detailed budgets in retirement and self managed superannuation fund issues.

The site is well worth a look if you are wanting to get up to speed with the workings of Australia's superannuation system.

Scott Keefer
Posted by: AT 11:29 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
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