Financial Happenings Blog
Tuesday, April 27 2010
This morning the April edition of our free email newsletter has been emailed out to subscribers. In this edition we:
- comment on the recent government decision decision to ban commissions on financial products,
- look at what else the government could do to improve the quality of financial advice,
- discuss how to manage unexpected inflation risk,
- outline the make up of the MSCI World and Emerging Markets indices,
- provide an update of major investment market performance,
- outline recent additions to the online blog,
- provide links to the ATO's super essentials website, ASFA's Super Guru site and Vanguard's volatility chart updated to the end of March 2010, and
- provide evidence of the three factor model in action.
To view a copy of the newsletter please click on the following link - Clear Directions April Edition.
To sign up to receive the newsletter directly into your inbox - Sign up for Clear Directions.