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Financial Happenings Blog
Sunday, January 13 2008

We use a program called 'google analytics' to look at how our website is performing.  In looking at it over the weekend, I noticed that one page that is not even linked to the site has been very popular, entitled 'Benchmarking your Financial Position'.

The basis of the page is that it sets out milestones for people as they move toward financial independence.  It provides a guide for them as to how much they need at different times of their life, to meet a final retirement goal.  This is part of being 'businesslike' in terms of sorting out your personal financial situation.  Benchmarking is something that is widely used in business, and makes sense for individuals as well.  Other 'businesslike' financial habits include measuring your financial position (similar to a businesses balance sheet that lists assets and liabilities) and thinking about your cash flow (similar to a business that produces careful statments of cash flows, income and expenses).

The page on benchmarkng your financial position can be found by clicking the following link - Benchmarking your Financial Position


Scott Francis

Posted by: Scott Francis AT 04:43 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
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